11 Ways to Beat the Winter Blues

by Allie Gardner 

winter_depression.jpgThe first snowfall of winter is magical. The frosty temperatures are a welcome change. But when the novelty wears off and the long winter settles in, many people suffer from a case of the winter blues.
It’s cold and overcast most days. Daylight is limited and staying inside becomes more appealing than venturing out. While cozying up to the fire and treating ourselves to comfort food is great for a month or so, it starts to get old and play havoc on our moods… and our waistlines.

You don’t have to have a serious case of seasonal affective disorder (SAD) to get a case of the winter blues. The days are much shorter, we can’t go outside without bundling up, and it’s dark before we’re out of work. No wonder we get a little depressed. The good news is that there are steps you can take to keep the blues at bay.

 How to Beat the Winter Blues:
1. Take up a winter sport and get outside. You’ll be a lot less likely to be bummed about the snow if you’re enjoying it. Besides skiing and snowboarding, you could also try snowshoeing, cross-country, or nordic, skiing, winter power walking or hiking, ice skating, horse back riding, etc.
2. Exercise. Join a gym if you can’t get enough exercise outside. Keeping in shape and burning calories will keep you feeling and looking good. If you work inside, take a short walk twice a day on your breaks.
3. Eat a healthy and balanced diet. Our bodies crave carb-laden meals like pasta because they boost serotonin levels. It’s okay to give into these cravings, just don’t overdo it. Remember to eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, too. If you crave something hot, try a bowl of chicken noodle soup.
4. Try to get a little sun on your face each day (especially in the morning). If you can get outside for even ten minutes twice a day, you’ll get the Vitamin D you need and be rejuvenated.
5. Stay hydrated. When the temperatures drop, we don’t feel like we need to drink as much water as we do in the warmer months. But we do — make sure you drink eight glasses of water every day to keep your energy level high.
6. Stay social. Even though you may feel like hibernating, visiting friends and family will lighten your mood.
7. Go to bed and wake up (early) at the same time every day. Sleeping in shortens the day even more.
8. Take a vacation. The winter is the perfect time to hit the beach in Mexico or add a little adventure to your life.
9. Keep busy… pick up a new hobby. Join a book club. Volunteer.
10. Consider purchasing a sun lamp if you’re really feeling bad. Use it in the morning for maximum effectiveness.
11. Keep fresh flowers or colorful houseplants in your home and/or office to brighten your mood.

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